How is your country doing?
Find out if your country has joined the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – and which cities, parliamentarians, and local organisations are supporting it. To see the full list of states parties and signatories, click here.
Algeria ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Angola ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Benin ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Botswana ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Burkina Faso ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Burundi ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Cabo Verde ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Cameroon ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Central African Republic ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Chad ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined TPNW
Comoros ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Congo ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Côte d’Ivoire ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Democratic Republic of the Congo ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Djibouti ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Equatorial Guinea ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Eritrea ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Eswatini ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Ethiopia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Gabon ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Gambia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Ghana ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Guinea ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Guinea-Bissau ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Kenya ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Lesotho ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Liberia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Libya ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Madagascar ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Malawi ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Mali ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Mauritania ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Mauritius ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Morocco ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Mozambique ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Namibia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Niger ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Nigeria ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Rwanda ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Senegal ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Seychelles ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Sierra Leone ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Somalia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
South Africa ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
South Sudan ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Sudan ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
São Tomé and Príncipe ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has joined the TPNW
Tanzania ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Togo ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Tunisia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Uganda ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has not yet joined the TPNW
Zambia ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW
Zimbabwe ▼
Nuclear-weapon-free state
Has signed the TPNW
Has not yet ratified the TPNW