Hold an ICAN Exhibition

Hold an exhibition for the 75th Anniversary

Below you'll find an ICAN-branded Exhibition for the 75th Anniversary, which you can use to hold an installation, for example in cooperation with your city council, local museum, or just with fellow campaigners and activists.


Download the printable version of the exhibition here.


The above version is designed to be printed as A0 (1189 x 840 mm) panels. It's not essential to print them all, as each panel can stand alone (other than the two timeline panels). Download the exhibition as print-ready PDF

The InDesign files are also available, in case you would like to edit them for translations or for national context. Please send an email to [email protected] if you'd like to have those versions.


Holding the Mayors for Peace A-bomb Poster Exhibition

Mayors for Peace also has a poster exhibition available for cities to use to share the impact of nuclear weapons. Cities that are already part of the Mayors for Peace network can directly download the exhibition through this link, or ICAN partners can also apply their behalf here.

ecbn_photo_poster1.jpg ecbn_photo_poster2.jpg