
Nuclear-weapon-free state

Has not yet joined the TPNW


Sweden has not yet signed or ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).


National position

In October 2022, Sweden for the first time voted against an annual UN General Assembly resolution that welcomes the adoption of the TPNW and calls upon all states to sign, ratify, or accede to it “at the earliest possible date”. From 2018 to 2021, it abstained from voting on the resolution.

In May 2022, Sweden applied to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which defines itself as a “nuclear alliance”. The then-foreign minister of Sweden, Ann Linde, wrote in a letter to NATO: “Sweden accepts NATO’s approach to security and defense, including the essential role of nuclear weapons.”


Meetings of states parties

Sweden attended as an observer the first meeting of states parties to the TPNW, held in Vienna in June 2022. “Sweden participates in this meeting as an observer and is appreciative to be able to join you here in Vienna,” it said, while reiterating that “the Swedish government’s decision of 2019 to not sign nor ratify the TPNW stands”.


Political developments

The Swedish Social Democratic Party, in its platform adopted in November 2021, pledged to contribute to the “development and clarification” of the TPNW and, for the first time, stated unequivocally that “the goal is that Sweden will join” the treaty. This followed the tabling of 48 motions in favour of the treaty and a public appeal by one hundred prominent members of the party.

The Swedish government released a report in 2019 recommending against Sweden’s accession to the TPNW. The report was widely criticised by civil society groups and scholars from various academic fields.

Following the release of the report, the then-minister of foreign affairs, Margot Wallström, announced that Sweden would “refrain from signing or pursuing ratification of the [TPNW] at the present time”, but indicated that it might reassess its position.

After resigning as foreign minister, Wallström expressed regret at having failed to convince the Swedish parliament to agree to join the TPNW.

In August 2017, following Sweden’s vote at the United Nations in support of the adoption of the TPNW, the then-secretary of defence of the United States, James Mattis, wrote to his Swedish counterpart, Peter Hultqvist, warning that Sweden’s accession to the treaty would “adversely affect defence cooperation” between the two countries.


Public opinion

A public opinion poll conducted by Sifo in 2019 found that 78 per cent of Swedes believe that their government should sign the TPNW, with 9 per cent opposed to signing and 12 per cent unsure.

In 2021, the Olof Palme International Center published a poll showing that 88 per cent Social Democratic Party voters in Sweden support joining the TPNW, and an overwhelming majority of other voters also support joining.

Peace and anti-nuclear campaigners celebrate the entry into force of the TPNW on 22 January 2021 in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Photo: Sri Nimpuno


TPNW negotiations

Sweden participated in the negotiation of the TPNW at the United Nations in New York in 2017 and voted in favour of its adoption.

In explaining its vote, it said: “We warmly welcome the fact that at last we have a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons, the only weapon of mass destruction not prohibited until now. Though nuclear weapons are not likely to disappear soon, we are convinced that the norm against the use and possession of nuclear weapons will be strengthened by this treaty.”

However, it also noted that the final treaty text “does not meet all the expectations we had”.

In 2016, Sweden voted in favour of the UN General Assembly resolution that established the formal mandate for states to commence negotiations on “a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination.”


Before the negotiations

Prior to the adoption of the TPNW in 2017, nuclear weapons were the only weapons of mass destruction not subject to a comprehensive, globally applicable treaty prohibition. Sweden supported calls in the UN General Assembly fill this “legal gap”.

Nuclear-weapon-free state

Has not yet joined the TPNW



Sweden has not yet signed or ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).


National position

In October 2022, Sweden for the first time voted against an annual UN General Assembly resolution that welcomes the adoption of the TPNW and calls upon all states to sign, ratify, or accede to it “at the earliest possible date”. From 2018 to 2021, it abstained from voting on the resolution.

In May 2022, Sweden applied to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which defines itself as a “nuclear alliance”. The then-foreign minister of Sweden, Ann Linde, wrote in a letter to NATO: “Sweden accepts NATO’s approach to security and defense, including the essential role of nuclear weapons.”


Meetings of states parties

Sweden attended as an observer the first meeting of states parties to the TPNW, held in Vienna in June 2022. “Sweden participates in this meeting as an observer and is appreciative to be able to join you here in Vienna,” it said, while reiterating that “the Swedish government’s decision of 2019 to not sign nor ratify the TPNW stands”.


Political developments

The Swedish Social Democratic Party, in its platform adopted in November 2021, pledged to contribute to the “development and clarification” of the TPNW and, for the first time, stated unequivocally that “the goal is that Sweden will join” the treaty. This followed the tabling of 48 motions in favour of the treaty and a public appeal by one hundred prominent members of the party.

The Swedish government released a report in 2019 recommending against Sweden’s accession to the TPNW. The report was widely criticised by civil society groups and scholars from various academic fields.

Following the release of the report, the then-minister of foreign affairs, Margot Wallström, announced that Sweden would “refrain from signing or pursuing ratification of the [TPNW] at the present time”, but indicated that it might reassess its position.

After resigning as foreign minister, Wallström expressed regret at having failed to convince the Swedish parliament to agree to join the TPNW.

In August 2017, following Sweden’s vote at the United Nations in support of the adoption of the TPNW, the then-secretary of defence of the United States, James Mattis, wrote to his Swedish counterpart, Peter Hultqvist, warning that Sweden’s accession to the treaty would “adversely affect defence cooperation” between the two countries.


Public opinion

A public opinion poll conducted by Sifo in 2019 found that 78 per cent of Swedes believe that their government should sign the TPNW, with 9 per cent opposed to signing and 12 per cent unsure.

In 2021, the Olof Palme International Center published a poll showing that 88 per cent Social Democratic Party voters in Sweden support joining the TPNW, and an overwhelming majority of other voters also support joining.

Peace and anti-nuclear campaigners celebrate the entry into force of the TPNW on 22 January 2021 in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Photo: Sri Nimpuno


TPNW negotiations

Sweden participated in the negotiation of the TPNW at the United Nations in New York in 2017 and voted in favour of its adoption.

In explaining its vote, it said: “We warmly welcome the fact that at last we have a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons, the only weapon of mass destruction not prohibited until now. Though nuclear weapons are not likely to disappear soon, we are convinced that the norm against the use and possession of nuclear weapons will be strengthened by this treaty.”

However, it also noted that the final treaty text “does not meet all the expectations we had”.

In 2016, Sweden voted in favour of the UN General Assembly resolution that established the formal mandate for states to commence negotiations on “a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination.”


Before the negotiations

Prior to the adoption of the TPNW in 2017, nuclear weapons were the only weapons of mass destruction not subject to a comprehensive, globally applicable treaty prohibition. Sweden supported calls in the UN General Assembly fill this “legal gap”.


Folkkampanjen mot kärnkraft-kärnvapen (FMKK) 


Glokala Sjuhärad Association (Föreningen Glokala Sjuhärad) 


Greenpeace Sweden


Feministiskt Initiativ 


Life-Link Friendship Schools 




Olof Palme International Center


PeaceQuest International


Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation


Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (Svenska Freds) 


Swedish Peace Committee 


Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear Weapons


Swedish Sokka Gakkai International 


Teachers for Peace 


Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Sweden) 


Women for Peace Sweden 


Gränna Rotary Club 


United Nations Association of Sweden (Svenska FN-förbundet)


B.A.N. or Ban All Nukes


Kristna Fredsrörelsen/Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation


Gröna Seniorer i Lund



Support for TPNW Get involved with ICAN in Sweden›

ICAN Parliamentary Pledge

These are the Swedish elected representatives that support and promote the TPNW:


→ Ulla Andersson

→ Nooshi Dadgostar

→ Lorena Delgado

→ Åsa Eriksson

→ Ali Esbati

→ Ida Gabrielsson

→ Hanna Gunnarsson

→ Tony Haddou

→ Johanna Haraldsson

→ Christina Höj Larsen

→ Jens Holm

→ Momodou Malcolm Jallow

→ Lotta Johnsson Fornarve

→ Amineh Kakabeveh

→ Ida Karkiainen

→ Maj Karlsson

→ Sara Karlsson

→ Birger Lahti

→ Hillevi Larsson

→ Laila Naraghi

→ Yasmine Posio Nilsson

→ Daniel Riazat

→ Karin Ragsjo

→ Elin Segerlind

→ Jonas Sjostedt

→ Håkan Svenneling

→ Mia Sydow Mölleby

→ Ilona Waldau

→ Jon Thorbjörnson

→ Olle Thorell

→ Jessica Thunander

→ Lorentz Tovatt

→ Vasiliki Tsouplaki

→ Ciczie Wiedby

→ Linda Snecker

→ Jessica Wetterling

→ Andreas Lennkvist Manriquez


Sweden European Parliament


→ Max Andersson MEP

→ Malin Björk MEP

→ Jakob Dalunde MEP

→ Soraya Post MEP

→ Bodil Valero MEP


Sweden Local Legislators


→ Helsingborg Municipality

→ Ingrid Mattiasson Saarinen


Svalöv Municipality


→ Marika Jardert

→ Eva Inhammar


ICAN Cities Appeal


No events yet

Related news View all news ›

Support for TPNW Get involved with ICAN in Sweden›

ICAN Parliamentary Pledge

These are the Swedish elected representatives that support and promote the TPNW:


→ Ulla Andersson

→ Nooshi Dadgostar

→ Lorena Delgado

→ Åsa Eriksson

→ Ali Esbati

→ Ida Gabrielsson

→ Hanna Gunnarsson

→ Tony Haddou

→ Johanna Haraldsson

→ Christina Höj Larsen

→ Jens Holm

→ Momodou Malcolm Jallow

→ Lotta Johnsson Fornarve

→ Amineh Kakabeveh

→ Ida Karkiainen

→ Maj Karlsson

→ Sara Karlsson

→ Birger Lahti

→ Hillevi Larsson

→ Laila Naraghi

→ Yasmine Posio Nilsson

→ Daniel Riazat

→ Karin Ragsjo

→ Elin Segerlind

→ Jonas Sjostedt

→ Håkan Svenneling

→ Mia Sydow Mölleby

→ Ilona Waldau

→ Jon Thorbjörnson

→ Olle Thorell

→ Jessica Thunander

→ Lorentz Tovatt

→ Vasiliki Tsouplaki

→ Ciczie Wiedby

→ Linda Snecker

→ Jessica Wetterling

→ Andreas Lennkvist Manriquez


Sweden European Parliament


→ Max Andersson MEP

→ Malin Björk MEP

→ Jakob Dalunde MEP

→ Soraya Post MEP

→ Bodil Valero MEP


Sweden Local Legislators


→ Helsingborg Municipality

→ Ingrid Mattiasson Saarinen


Svalöv Municipality


→ Marika Jardert

→ Eva Inhammar


ICAN Cities Appeal


Find a partner in Sweden to get active Become an ICAN Partner Organization ›

  • Folkkampanjen mot kärnkraft-kärnvapen (FMKK) 


  • Glokala Sjuhärad Association (Föreningen Glokala Sjuhärad) 


  • Greenpeace Sweden


  • Feministiskt Initiativ 


  • Life-Link Friendship Schools 


  • Ofog


  • Olof Palme International Center


  • PeaceQuest International


  • Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation


  • Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (Svenska Freds) 


  • Swedish Peace Committee 


  • Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear Weapons


  • Swedish Sokka Gakkai International 


  • Teachers for Peace 


  • Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Sweden) 


  • Women for Peace Sweden 


  • Gränna Rotary Club 


  • United Nations Association of Sweden (Svenska FN-förbundet)


  • B.A.N. or Ban All Nukes


  • Kristna Fredsrörelsen/Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation


  • Gröna Seniorer i Lund