TPNW 1MSP Policy Recommendations
The first Meeting of States Parties (1MSP) of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is an important opportunity to advance the treaty’s implementation and the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.
The first Meeting of States Parties is a chance for states to adopt substantive policy documents to emphasise their commitment to the treaty and articulate specific actions they will take to implement it. These outcome documents may not be exhaustive of all the ways in which states may take action to implement the treaty but can be an important foundation and roadmap for states parties to take forward their legal obligations. ICAN recommends that states adopt a political declaration (a non-legally binding political statement), and an action plan (with specific commitments to implement articles of the treaty), as outcome documents. The following briefing paper provides an overview of ICAN policy recommendations in several key areas of discussion ahead of the first Meeting of States Parties.
Please download the briefing paper here.