TPNW Meeting of States Parties
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons calls for meetings of states parties to be held on a biennial basis and review conferences at six-year intervals to “consider and, where necessary, take decisions in respect of any matter with regard to the application or implementation of this Treaty, in accordance with its relevant provisions, and on further measures for nuclear disarmament, including:
(a) The implementation and status of this Treaty;
(b) Measures for the verified, time-bound and irreversible elimination of nuclear-weapon programmes, including additional protocols to this Treaty;
(c) Any other matters pursuant to and consistent with the provisions of this Treaty.
First Meeting of States Parties
The first Meeting of States Parties was held in Vienna from 21-13 June 2022 with the participation of 49 States Parties, 34 observer States, and representatives of the United Nations, international and regional organisations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and civil society. The meeting adopted a series of ambitious decisions, including the Vienna Declaration and Plan of Action. Read more about 1MSP.
Second Meeting of States Parties
The Second Meeting of States Parties took place on 27 November - 1 December 2023 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, with Mexico serving as President. 94 States parties, signatories and other observers participated, along with representatives of international agencies, including the IAEA and CTBTO, the ICRC, as well as civil society organisations, impacted communities, youth, parliamentarians and financial institutions. The meeting adopted a political declaration and a series of decisions strengthening the intersessional process. Read more about 2MSP.
Third Meeting of States Parties
The Third Meeting of States Parties will take place on 3 to 7 March 2025 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, with Kazakhstan serving as President. Read more about 3MSP.
Intersessional process
Since the first meeting of states parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the adoption of the Vienna Action Plan, an intersessional structure has been established, with thematic informal working groups and areas of work led by co-chairs and facilitators, as well as a Scientific Advisory Group and Coordinating Committee. Learn more about the work underway in the intersessional process here.
Observing the MSPs for governments
States that have not yet become a party to the TPNW can attend meetings of states parties as observers, to view the proceedings and, if it wishes, contribute to the debates by making statements or submitting papers. Read ICAN’s Briefing Paper on Observing Meetings of State Parties.
Civil Society information for participation in MSPs
ICAN serves as the Civil Society Coordinator and will provide representatives of relevant non-governmental organisations with information about Meetings of States Parties, registration process and other information. Sign up below to receive updates from ICAN. (If you are an ICAN partner or already registered for 1MSP or 2MSP there is no need to register again.)