Scientific Advisory Group Meetings
4 November 2024
A draft activity report to be presented to 3MSP was tabled for review and discussion. In terms of the substantive report, members considered a process to ensure that this be completed in line with UNODA's preparations for 3MSP in March 2025. Members were informed that the Group’s sub-group on establishing a broader network of experts in support of the goals of the Treaty had progressed significantly with invitations being sent out and that plans for the Network’s first meeting before the end of the year were progressing well. The sub-group on Articles 4 and Articles 6 and 7 reported on their considerations of a workplan for 2025 as well as their inputs into 3MSP. The Group noted the passing of the resolution by the UN General Assembly’s First Committee to establish an independent scientific panel to undertake a comprehensive study the impact of a nuclear war; the resolution requesting the UN Secretary-General to elicit the views of Member States on the establishment of a Group of Scientific and Technical Experts (GSTE) on nuclear disarmament verification within the United Nations; and, the resolution encouraging further international co-operation and discussions to assist victims, and to assess and remediate environments contaminated by the use and testing of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices.
7 October 2024
The SAG met to consider the next steps in the process of establishing a trail scientific network in support of the goals of the Treaty. Updates were also received on the work undertaken by each of the SAG’s sub-groups to, inter alia: engage with the discussions within the Informal Working Groups on Article 4 and Articles 6&7; collect and archive legacy nuclear testing data; and, to input into the consultation on States Parties’ security concerns.
2 September 2024
The SAG considered the next steps in establishing the trial TPNW scientific network and the drafting of a memo for TPNW Coordinating Committee on: engaging with the UNSCEAR survey and UNGA resolution A/RES/78/240 (Addressing the legacy of nuclear weapons: providing victim assistance and environmental remediation to Member States affected by the use or testing of nuclear weapons) requesting ‘views and proposals of Member States regarding efforts and ongoing needs related to victim assistance and environmental assessment and remediation’ as well as the proposed UNGA study on the consequences of nuclear war. Outreach by SAG members to their national academies about the G7 Academies statement; the process of collecting and archiving legacy nuclear testing data; and, the drafting of a memo for the consultations on specific information related to the national, regional or global humanitarian consequences from nuclear weapons use that is missing and/or important to better understand, and what kind of additional information could be helpful for national/regional stakeholders to achieve a more comprehensive appreciation of nuclear risks, and what specific topics ought to be addressed and/or that would merit scientific research were all discussed. Further work was done on the proposed content of the SAG’s reports to 3MSP.
30 July 2024
The SAG met in-person at the Palais des Nations, Geneva with some members, who were unable to be present, attending online. Various updates on the activities by the sub-groups were received. Amb. Alexander Kmentt (Austria) provided an update on the work of the working group on universalisation of security concerns of TPNW States and in particular the questions drawn up that require scientific input and/or are SAG-relevant. The SAG then debated a possible outline for its reports to the 3MSP noting that the report to 2MSP should be updated with new information on the status and developments regarding nuclear weapons; nuclear weapon risks; the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons; and, issues relating to nuclear disarmament. New relevant themes of a scientific nature will also be considered. Further discussion and work on the establishment of the broader scientific network of Scientific and Technical Research Institutions and Experts in Support of the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was undertaken before the meeting ended with an in-depth discussion with ICAN members.
3 June 2024
The SAG received a presentation from George-Wilhelm Gallhofer (Austria) on ‘universalizing the security concerns of States under the TPNW’. In light of his talk it was proposed that a SAG ad-hoc sub-group be established to develop a working paper outlining ‘new scientific evidence about the humanitarian consequences and risks of nuclear weapons and juxtaposing this with the risks and assumptions that are inherent in nuclear deterrence’. Plans for the in-person SAG meeting during the NPT Prepcom in Geneva were discussed as were the SAG reporting requirements to 3MSP. Finally, a brief report of our participation in, and submissions to, the UNSCEAR seventy-first session was received.
6 May 2024
The SAG received an input from Matthew Bolton on the ‘Humanitarian and Environmental Impacts of Pacific Nuclear Testing’ and discussed the need for a publicly available database of data from nuclear testing. Also discussed was the possibility of having an in-person meeting during the NPT PrepCom. Members reported on their initial review of the UNSCEAR report on the sources, effects and risks of ionizing radiation to the General Assembly, its methodology and how States Parties to the TPNW could support UNSCEAR efforts through, for example, completing the UNSCEAR survey questionnaire to assess radiation exposure worldwide. On Article 6 and 7, the sub-group reported that they are looking into the possibility of compiling a list of relevant organisations and UN institutions that have the capacity to support victim assistance. The Group also received a report on the Austrian Security Risk discussion group. Note was taken of the National Academies of Sciences of the G7 States calling on the G7 leaders to once more reaffirm their commitment to achieving a world without nuclear weapons and to take the necessary steps to help the world to realise this goal safely and securely. It was proposed that an approach to the Academies of Sciences in TPNW States Parties and other UN Member States to issue similar pronouncements be developed. The group also received feedback on our participation in the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union.
1 April 2024
This meeting consisted of a discussion with representatives of Kazakhstan and Kiribati on behalf of co-chairs of intersessional working group on Articles 6 and 7. The discussion focused on the questions sent to the SAG, which covered, inter alia: Who is a victim of nuclear weapon use and testing, and how can this be thought about in scientific terms and in a fair and comprehensive way?; What constitutes radiological contamination and how can this be assessed?; and, What would be required for environments to be considered remediated? The possibility of a study in Kiribati on radiological contamination (for enabling possible victim assistance and remediation) being undertaken and by whom was debated?
4 March 2024
Zia Mian and Patricia Lewis were re-elected as Co-Chairs until the end of 3MSP. Members continued to discuss how best to structure and organise the SAG’s work in 2024. Three sub-groups were formed: Article 4; Article 6 and 7 and Network Building. It was decided that other ad-hoc (short-term/time limited) groups could be formed when necessary.
5 February 2024
SAG participants noted that at the next meeting (in March) members would need to elect Co-Chairs as this is a mandated requirement. A process was thus developed to prepare for this. It was also noted that the SAG has been designated as an official observer to the UNSCEAR seventy-first session. In light of this, participants agreed on a process to review the draft report on sources, effects and risks of ionizing radiation. The Group further discussed the need for a step-by-step process to establish the broader scientific network and agreed on a procedure to undertake this task. Requests from Kazakhstan and Kiribati in their capacity as Co-chairs of the Informal Working Group on Articles Six and Seven on victim assistance and on environmental remediation were tabled and an appropriate response was formulated. Finally, members discussed if, and how, the SAG should structure itself and function in 2024.
8 January 2024
The Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) discussed various requests emanating from States Parties and their Informal Working Groups including a request from Kiribati. Other issues discussed and operationalised included providing input into the seventy-first session of United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), the Norwegian People’s Aid and ICRC ‘Science Expo on Nuclear Weapons, Risks and Impacts’, the forthcoming meeting of the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union (EGU24) and the Alva Myrdal Center Conference. Outreach approaches to multilateral international organisations were outlined.
28-29 November 2023
The SAG met over two days in-person during the 2MSP to plan for its presentations to TPNW States Parties, a planned meeting with the broader research community and ICAN members and members’ participation in State and NGO-arranged side-events. Initial organisation of its work programme in 2024 was discussed with the understanding that this would have to be adapted depending on what comes out of 2MSP and the expectations by States Parties. In brief, the following items were debated: administration; updating the SAG’s 2MSP substantive and activity reports; establishing the broader Network; drafting of thematic reports; and engaging with States Parties’ Informal Working Groups and other relevant Treaty structures and issues (e.g. Trust Fund; Gender etc). Other issues noted were: outreach to, and liaison with, relevant external organisations; promoting SAG’ work, e.g. by drafting Op-Ed pieces, presentations to scientific and other appropriate conferences; the need for funding to perform some of the SAG’s activities; and, the drafting of a proposal on capacity-building in relation to Article 6 and 7 in collaboration with affected communities. In addition, note was taken of the specific questions put to the SAG by the informal working groups (IWG) for the implementation of the TPNW. It was decided that after 2MSP, the SAG will work closely with the IWGs on their needs and expectations.
6 November 2023
The Chairs reported that both SAG reports have been submitted to UNODA for editing and translation. SAG members finalised arrangements and their plans for 2MSP. This includes participation in the thematic discussions on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons; presentations by the Co-Chairs of its reports to States Parties; a planned meeting with researchers; and, a meeting with ICAN members and other NGOs. Members will also participate in State and NGO-arranged side-events.
9 October 2023
Members continued to finalise the reports to be presented at the 2MSP. On the establishment of the broader network of scientific and technical experts it was decided that a section in the Activity Report will include a description of the process so far undertaken including drafting and discussions on its potential terms of reference, mission, composition, purpose, principles of management and indicative activities and that SAG is currently considering various approached to establish the Network through a phased process. As many members will be in New York, it was decided that the SAG will hold two meetings during the 2MSP. Melissa Parke, the new Executive Director of ICAN and Alicia Sanders-Zakre, the Policy and Research Coordinator of ICAN, briefed the Group on what they saw as the priorities and possible outcomes of 2MSP.
4 September 2023
Members of the SAG continued their work on their draft report chapters to be submitted to States Parties at the 2MSP. A draft annual activity report was also distributed for discussion. On the ‘Network of scientific and technical institutions and experts’ to support the goals of the Treaty, its proposed purpose, composition and management as well as its indicative activities have been outlined for further discussion and refinement. The Group also took note of a number of research requests stemming from the informal working groups (including Article 4 informal working group on the elimination of nuclear weapons) and undertook to integrate these into its planned activities in 2024.
4 August 2023
The Scientific Advisory Group met on 4 August 2023 in Vienna, Austria for its first in-person meeting of the year. Members heard and discussed draft chapters of their report which will be submitted to States Parties at the 2MSP. Chapters include an analysis of the status of nuclear weapons and the key issues being debated in other disarmament and non-proliferation fora; nuclear weapon risks; victim assistance; environmental remediation; and, other matters relating to nuclear disarmament. In addition, SAG members reviewed a proposed Mission Statement and Terms of Reference for the intended ‘Network of scientific and technical institutions and experts’ to support the goals of the Treaty. Both of these will continue to be discussed and finalised during the SAG’s meeting in September and October prior to submission to the secretariat of the 2MSP.
3 July 2023
The Scientific Advisory Group met on 3 July 2023 to continue its work on identifying and engaging scientific and technical institutions in States Parties and more broadly to establish a network of experts to support the goals of the Treaty. Following a presentation on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons testing with particular reference to radioactive fallout / gamma radiation and its long-term effects on food sources, the environment and on people in, for example, the Marshall Islands and elsewhere, the Group discussed the legal and policy implications for States Parties to the TPNW. Sub-groups reported back on progress made in their drafting of a report on the status and developments regarding nuclear weapons; nuclear weapon risks; the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons; and, issues relating to nuclear disarmament. Plans were also made for the SAG’s first in-person meeting, which will be held in Vienna on 4 August 2023.
5 June 2023
The Scientific Advisory Group met on 5 June, 2023 to discuss its work on identifying and engaging scientific and technical institutions in States Parties and more broadly to establish a network of experts to support the goals of the Treaty. Debates centered around a number of issues, including developing criteria for membership, the purpose of the network and the definition to be used for a scientific and technical institution and expert. Plans and methods for drafting the SAG report to 2MSP were also discussed.
1 May 2023
On 1 May 2023, the Scientific Advisory Group held its third meeting online. SAG members first provided briefings on (a) progress of the Article 4 Informal Working Group and (b) status of nuclear weapons risks. SAG members then discussed the work of its own working groups. SAG Working Group 1 will organise intersessional work thematically (around nuclear weapon status, risks, humanitarian consequences, and disarmament) and the drafting of a report to be delivered to the 2MSP. SAG Working Group 2 is examining the creation of a network of experts to support the goals of the TPNW and capacity-building in States Parties.
3 April 2023
The Scientific Advisory Group held its second meeting on 3 April 2023. Members of the Group discussed internal organisational issues, including on the Group’s mandate, working plans and reporting requirements. They also discussed their involvement in the work of some of the Treaty’s working groups. The Group further established two informal working groups of the SAG: one on nuclear weapons —nuclear weapons status; nuclear weapon risks; the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons; nuclear disarmament and related issues ; and a second one on scientific network building—identify and engage scientific and technical institutions in States Parties and more broadly to establish a network of experts to support the goals of the Treaty.
1 March 2023
The first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group took place on 1 March 2023. At the meeting, the Group elected Ms. Patricia Lewis and Mr. Zia Mian as co-chairs. Following the election, the Group heard a briefing from the Secretariat on its mandate, before engaging in a discussion on decisions related to the effective functioning of the Group as well as its programme of work for 2023.