ICAN Small Grants for the Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW - March 2022
Supporting ICAN partners' advocacy activities ahead of the Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)
About the small grants
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force on 22 January 2021, triggering the first Meeting of States Parties (MSP), to be held in Vienna Austria on March 22nd - 24th 2022 and ICAN has been appointed to serve as the Civil Society coordinator for the conference. This will be the first time all countries that are party to the treaty will come together to discuss progress to meeting the treaty’s goals and figuring out crucial topics. The first MSP will be a key moment for ICAN to both ensure that the treaty gets off to a strong start and that support for banning and eliminating nuclear weapons grows. Now, efforts must be made to grow the membership, to promote strong participation at the MSP (including parties, key stakeholders, observers, etc.) and to ensure credible implementation of the treaty.
The objective of this grant is to support specific and time-bound activities aimed at increasing membership and to build pressure on political actors, and/or other stakeholders to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to participate in the MSP.
- Promote broad participation at the MSP (of all parties, signatories, supporters, and other key stakeholders)
- Ensure that governments come prepared to the MSP to adopt progressive decisions at the MSP.
- Grow the Treaty’s membership;
- Address political outreach and advocacy;
- Encourage non-supportive governments (ie NATO, nuclear-armed, or nuclear weapon-complicit state) to attend the MSP as an observer;
- Increasing support in nuclear-armed and nuclear weapon-complicit states, including parliamentarians, financial institutions, and cities;
- Target political party congresses to achieve commitments to the TPNW through public statements or party congress resolutions / motions.
How to Apply
The deadline to submit your application is November 26, 2021 and is open to ICAN partner organizations. Please review the application guidelines carefully to see if your activity is eligible. Download the application guidelines
All applications must be made using the ICAN Fund for MSP activities Application Form. The form should be filled in and submitted electronically to: [email protected]
header photo: Luca Sartoni | Flickr