How many countries have nuclear weapons and how many are there?
Nine countries - China, North Korea, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States - possess 12,100 nuclear warheads, of which 9,400 are in active military stockpiles. Russia and the United States possess nearly 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons, with over 5,500 weapons each. Learn more.
Source: Federation of Atomic Scientists 2024 State of World Nuclear Forces -
How destructive are today’s nuclear weapons?
The two nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had an explosive yield of the equivalent of about 15 kilotons of dynamite and 20 kilotons of dynamite respectively. In modern nuclear arsenals, those devastating weapons are considered “low-yield.” Many of the modern nuclear weapons in Russian and U.S. nuclear weapons are thermonuclear weapons and have explosive yields of the equivalent at least 100 kilotons of dynamite - and some are much higher. One 100-kiloton nuclear weapon dropped on New York City could lead to roughly 583,160 fatalities, according to NukeMap.
What about “nuclear deterrence” theory? Do nuclear weapons help keep the peace?
Nuclear deterrence doesn’t work. Here’s why.
- We aren’t rational and we can’t read minds. For nuclear deterrence to work, all stakeholders must be perceived to act “rationally” and “predictably” but we know that’s not how people work - particularly in the fog of war.
- Nuclear weapons don’t keep the peace. History shows that the existence of nuclear weapons has done nothing to prevent the many terrible conflicts since 1945, including acts of aggression against countries with nuclear weapons. In reality, nuclear weapons haven’t been used due solely to good luck – which cannot be expected to last forever.
- Nuclear weapons make conflicts worse. The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine highlights how any of the 9 nuclear-armed states can threaten or use nuclear weapons to limit the capacity of other states to respond.
- Nuclear deterrence makes nuclear use more likely because the threat of use of nuclear weapons must be credible, and so the nuclear armed states are always poised to launch nuclear weapons.
- Nuclear weapons are useless for today’s threats. Nuclear weapons are strategically useless to address the actual security threats facing nations in the 21st century, including climate change, terrorism and cyber attacks.
- We aren’t rational and we can’t read minds. For nuclear deterrence to work, all stakeholders must be perceived to act “rationally” and “predictably” but we know that’s not how people work - particularly in the fog of war.
What is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons?
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted in July 2017 at the United Nations with 122 countries voting in favor. It bans the use, threat of use, development, production, manufacture, acquisition, possession, stockpiling, transfer, stationing, deployment or installation of nuclear weapons, as well as assistance with, encouragement or inducement of any of these prohibited activities. The treaty also includes positive obligations requiring states parties with people or places harmed by nuclear weapons use or testing under their jurisdiction to provide assistance and requires all states parties in a position to do so to also help these efforts. The treaty strengthens the norm against nuclear weapons as the first legal instrument to ban them.
What is nuclear sharing and who is involved?
There are 2 nuclear armed states, United States and Russia, that have stationed nuclear weapons on foreign soil. This dangerous and opaque practice allows nuclear-armed states to make other countries complicit in the responsibilities, management and eventual use of nuclear weapons with other countries by stationing the weapons on their territory and cooperating on matters such as aircraft, infrastructure, planning and training.
The United States first deployed nuclear weapons to “certain locations in Europe” in the 1950s.
In the 1960s, this became defined as nuclear sharing under NATO. Today Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Türkiye are widely suspected to host US nuclear weapons, but have refused to confirm or deny the presence of these weapons on their soil for decades. Researchers have nevertheless been able to pinpoint the locations through declassified documents, high-resolution satellite images, leaks or even accidental disclosure. The 2009 German government coalition agreement broke the long-held silence by explicitly calling for negotiations with the US to remove the weapons. Leaked documents also reveal plans to return US nuclear warheads to Lakenheath Air base in the UK, where they were previously stationed until 2008.
The weapons at these bases are intended for use by airforce pilots from these countries to bomb enemy targets in Europe, and are three versions of the same basic model. In 2022, the U.S. government began building a new bomb, the B61-12, to replace those already deployed. The destructive power of the B61-12 can be calibrated up to 50 kilotons. For comparison, the bombs that killed 215,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were 16 and 20 kilotons respectively. Read more about the B61-12 here
Since June 2023, Russia has shared nuclear weapons with Belarus. Following a highly contested referendum to remove Belarus’ nuclear-weapons-free status from the constitution, President Lukashenko, announced that his country had started taking delivery of Russian tactical nuclear weapons, a decision taken in the context of the war in Ukraine and meant to strengthen Russia’s use of its nuclear arsenal to blackmail other countries to limit their support for Ukraine. While satellite imagery shows signs that key sites have been upgraded to receive the warheads, the exact number is unknown.
Who “hosts” them
Who owns them
What bases are (allegedly) involved?
Estimated number of Weapons*
United States
Kleine Brogel Air Base
United States
Büchel Air Base
United States
Aviano Air Base and Ghedi Air Base
United States
Volkel Air Base
United States
*Sources: Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Nuclear Sharing 2023
Related questions:
Who makes the decisions around the nuclear weapons stationed abroad?
Is nuclear sharing legal?
What are the risks of nuclear sharing? -
Can a NATO state join the TPNW?
According to research by the Norwegian People’s Aid, a NATO state can join the TPNW and be in compliance with the treaty as long as “they explicitly distance themselves from specific statements or formulations in Alliance documents, particularly the Strategic Concept, which can be understood as an encouragement of the retention of nuclear weapons and their possible use.” Without doing so, the NPA report finds that NATO states would be in violation of Article 1(1)(e) of the treaty.
What about the Middle East?
The escalation in the conflict between Israel, which has a nuclear arsenal, and Iran, which is not considered by international inspectors to be developing nuclear weapons, has increased fears the conflict in the Middle East could see the use of nuclear weapons. We have put together some frequently asked questions about Israel and Iran’s nuclear capabilities and the role the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons could play in the region here.
Why does this treaty matter if none of the countries with nuclear weapons have joined?
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is a powerful normative tool to demonstrate that nuclear weapons are morally unacceptable. It strengthens the legal framework and legal stigma against nuclear weapons. The TPNW can put external pressure on nuclear-armed states to make further efforts on disarmament.
The TPNW reinforces other disarmament efforts by nuclear-armed states, such as the ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, further reductions of arsenals, and de-alerting nuclear weapons systems. The TPNW does not preclude or prevent bilateral or multilateral agreements to reduce numbers of warheads between nuclear-armed states.
Did Ukraine give up nuclear weapons?
When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, there were thousands of former Soviet nuclear warheads, as well as hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers, left on Ukraine’s territory, which it decided to transfer to Russia. Ukraine never had an independent nuclear weapons arsenal, or control over these weapons, but agreed to remove former Soviet weapons stationed on its territory. In 1992, Ukraine signed the Lisbon Protocol and it joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapon state in 1994. The transfer of all nuclear material took some time, but by 2001, all nuclear weapons had been transferred to Russia to be dismantled and all launch silos decommissioned.
While some may ask if Russia would have invaded Ukraine if it still had Soviet nuclear weapons stationed on its territory, there is little convincing historical evidence that the possession or presence of nuclear weapons definitively prevents conflict, when many other variables may be considered, including the prohibition of the use of force under the UN Charter or even just luck. Even beyond this, it is not clear that Ukraine would have been able to take control of former Soviet nuclear weapons, technically or politically. What we do know is that the possession of nuclear weapons by Russia and the United States clearly has not prevented the threat of conflict between Russia and a U.S. ally or the potential humanitarian consequences of any conflict for civilians in the region. Read more about Ukraine and nuclear weapons.
Why should one country give up its nuclear weapons if other countries still have them?
Nuclear weapons pose unacceptable risks to humanity and the environment. The vast majority of the world’s nations have already chosen to contribute to a world without nuclear weapons by rejecting ever developing, possessing or using them as members of Nuclear- Weapons-Free-Zones. The vast majority of the world’s countries already recognize that nuclear weapons make them less safe, not more secure. It is time for the nine nuclear-armed states to get on board.
Why should countries that don’t have nuclear weapons care about this treaty?
The possession of nuclear weapons by some states puts the whole world at risk. Strengthening the norm against the use and possession of nuclear weapons is in the interest of all states and people.
Beyond banning and working towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons contains important positive obligations for countries to receive and provide victim assistance for impacted people and environmental remediation for places impacted by nuclear weapons use and testing. The TPNW can help to ensure that affected communities receive the assistance they need.
What is the “Eurobomb” and why are European politicians talking about it?
Nuclear bombs based in Europe are meant to bomb targets in Europe. Between the UK and French arsenals and the US’ nuclear sharing arrangements under NATO, there are already 600 nuclear weapons ready to deploy in Western Europe, Russia also has an unknown number of nuclear weapons intended for use in Europe, as well as its weapons stationed in Belarus. Together these are enough to wage nuclear war on a catastrophic scale that could kill billions in mere hours. These weapons make European cities prime targets for a nuclear attack and, based on the range of the aircraft that would carry them, are intended for use in Europe.
Yet, following Russia’s decision to station nuclear weapons in Belarus in 2023 and European concern about the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House in this year’s US election, there have been increased calls by prominent European politicians for more US nuclear weapons to be stationed in Europe, or for Europe to further develop a nuclear sharing practice of its own. Polish President, Andrzej Duda,has said that Poland is ready to host US nuclear Weapons, although Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski have said there are no plans to do so. In Germany, senior figures in both the opposition CDU and governing SPD parties have suggested the EU should acquire its own nuclear weapons or should be protected by France’s (and possibly the UK’s) existing nuclear arsenal, although German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has said this is not needed. In response, President Macron has reiterated his offer to discuss using France’s nuclear weapons to protect fellow EU states by providing a French version of the nuclear umbrella .
Yet any new nuclear sharing arrangements in Europe would be a dangerous and escalatory move that could provoke a further response from Russia. This would undermine the security of European countries rather than enhance it, would weaken the NPT, and would be illegal under international law. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons explicitly bans countries from hosting the nuclear weapons of another state, and the NPT is very clear that transfer of control or accepting control over the nuclear weapons of a nuclear weapons state is prohibited under articles 1&2. For more about the (il)legalities around nuclear sharing, click here.
What are "tactical" nuclear weapons?
Technically, a tactical nuclear weapon is any weapon that’s not been classified as “strategic” under US- Russian arms control agreements (SALT, SORT, START). Deployed tactical weapons in Europe can have explosive yields up to 300 kilotons, or 20 times that of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Sometimes these weapons are also referred to as ‘sub-strategic’ or ‘non-strategic’.
Most frequently, ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons imply the weapons that were designed to be used on the battlefields of Europe during the Cold War. In the last century, they were deployed across the continent in case a 'hot' conflict between NATO and the Warsaw Pact were to escalate. At the end of the 1980s there were around 7,500 of these weapons deployed throughout Europe, but the mutual unilateral reductions that took place in the early 1990s brought the numbers down significantly. The Federation of American Scientists currently estimates Russian non-strategic nuclear warheads at 1,912, and approximately 100 U.S. non-strategic warheads deployed in five European countries.
For more on the impacts of any nuclear weapon, see here.
What are 'dirty bombs'?
A dirty bomb, or a radiological weapon, is one in which nuclear material is combined with traditional explosives into a bomb. The detonation is a conventional one- it’s not a nuclear explosion which releases a huge amount of energy by splitting the atom- but it is still an explosion that can disperse radioactive material. As the explosion is not as large as with a nuclear bomb, any radioactive material is unlikely to reach the upper atmosphere to become fallout. A dirty bomb is not a nuclear weapon or a nuclear explosive device. The effects of a dirty bomb in terms of the anxiety and fear it causes can be tremendous. This is why a dirty bomb is also dubbed a weapon of mass disruption.
What are some impacts?
Researchers have looked at various impacts of chemical or biological weapons use by terrorist groups to assess what might happen if a radiological weapon were detonated. For example, the 1995 Sarin attack by the Aum Shinrikyo cult showed widespread panic and fear.
Another example is the incident in 1987 in Goiania in Brazil, where a Cesium-137 source was found and opened by scrap-metal scavengers in an abandoned radiotherapy institute. The material was used in paint, and the dust spread over the area, contaminating more than 400 persons over the next two weeks. Four of those died from the exposure. To mitigate further damage, more than 100,000 people needed to be tested, and there was long-lasting social stigma to the area in which the incident occured.
Another comparison was to look at the disaster of Chernobyl. Although the situation is very different from a dirty bomb scenario, it did show how radioactive materials, and specifically cesium, attaches itself to an urban environment and what those consequences are for the surrounding population.
What is the response capacity?
Most emergency services have protocols in place for “CRBN” (Chemical, Radiological, Biological and Nuclear) emergencies, and to deal with the situation a number of phases are identified: the period before an attack, shortly after and some time after the attack.
Before an attack the radiological source can already emit radiation but it is most likely that this will only affect the terrorist themselves or close bystanders. In the phase immediately after the attack it is necessary to attend to wounded persons and stabilize them first before starting decontamination, while rescue-workers at the same time need to take measures for personal protection.
Because debris can work as a hotspot for radiological material the cleaning process needs to be started as soon as possible. Any cloud created by the explosion has the ability to carry radioactive particles and spread the material which will attach itself to buildings, grass and streets. It is necessary to start monitoring the cloud to determine which areas are contaminated and need to be cleaned.
Is there any international regulation on a dirty bomb?
There is a global effort to secure nuclear materials to prevent their use in any sort of improvised radiological weapon. There are international agreements, like the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, and a series of UN Security Council resolutions (including 1373 and 1540). There are also informal mechanisms, like the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction and the outcomes from the Nuclear Security Summit Processes which were non-binding commitments to convert highly enriched uranium facilities to low enriched uranium, and to put excess materials under global control.
A dirty bomb is NOT a nuclear weapon and it is NOT a nuclear explosive device. Therefore, it is not covered under either the NPT or the TPNW.
What can I do?
Consistent and unequivocal condemnation from governments and civil society can stigmatise and delegitimize threats, help restore and strengthen the norm against the use of radiological weapons or dirty bombs, and reinforce nuclear security, disarmament and non-proliferation efforts. The use or threat of use of any chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon is illegitimate and should be condemned.
What are space nuclear weapons?
The capability to deploy nuclear weapons into space is explicitly prohibited in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. Detonating a nuclear weapon in space would create an electromagnetic pulse that would damage satellites indiscriminately, unless they are specially hardened, and create a tremendous amount of debris which could cause additional damages. The effect of a nuclear explosion in space on spacecraft was demonstrated in 1962 by the U.S. Starfish Prime test and led to the 1963 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
Low earth orbit is used by commercial satellites for many purposes - from communications to transportation to weather forecasting. There are a number of disruptive technologies that could impact satellites- from kinetic anti-satellite weapons (ASAT) (which would physically destroy the satellites), to signal jamming spacecraft, which could make existing satellites useless.
Anti satellite weapons (ASAT) tests have been conducted by China, Russia and the United States. In February 2024, there was increased attention on this type of weapon following news reports that Russia may be developing a nuclear weapon that can be deployed into space. In 2022 the United States pledged not to conduct destructive anti-satellite tests. For more than three decades there have also been discussions in the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and the Conference on Disarmament.
Who makes the decisions around the nuclear weapons stationed abroad?
The United States insists that it maintains operational control of these weapons but it is the armed forces of the so-called “hosting” countries who would ultimately use the weapons, if the order is given. Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Türkiye have specialised squadrons trained to drop the weapons from fighter jets, which are currently being modernised with the acquisition of the nuclear-capable F35A.
Military personnel from these countries would therefore be responsible for using these weapons. They practice to do so during an annual week-long “deterrence exercise” by NATO carried out with aircraft and military personnel from member states. What NATO calls a “routine, recurring training activity“ is a yearly drill on the logistics of using weapons of mass destruction in one of the world’s most densely populated regions. These missions train the military personnel from these countries to do things like fly dual-capable aircraft, run surveillance and refuel aircraft in order to wipe out entire cities and mass murder civilians.
Reports on Russia’s deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus suggest they will be delivered by nuclear-capable Iskander missiles and aircraft, given the Russian defense ministry has said Belarusian pilots are being trained in their use.
The NATO states, which all say they are democracies, refuse to confirm or deny that they are keeping nuclear weapons on their territory which means their citizens are denied the right to know and are denied a say in whether these weapons of mass destruction are stationed near their homes, making their cities, towns and villages targets. This lack of transparency also means their governments would be responsible for the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people in their name if these weapons of mass destruction are used.
Related questions:
What is nuclear sharing and who is involved?
What are the risks of nuclear sharing?
Is nuclear sharing legal? -
What are the risks of nuclear sharing?
The US & Russia deploying nuclear weapons in other countries poses a threat to the entire world. The more countries that deploy nuclear weapons, the greater the risk of their use - whether intentional or by accident. Nuclear sharing further complicates decision-making and increases the risk of miscalculation, miscommunication and potentially catastrophic accidents.
Models developed by Princeton’s Science and Global Security Program show that a nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States, even triggered by a single low-yield nuclear weapon, would rapidly escalate into nuclear war and lead to 91.5 million casualties within the first few hours. Given the locations “hosting” nuclear weapons and the range of the aircraft that would use them, these weapons are a particular risk for Europe, where they would be used. Nuclear weapons in Europe make Europe the target of any potential nuclear escalation.
Nuclear sharing also increases the risk of nuclear proliferation. Following Russia’s decision to station nuclear weapons in Belarus, there have been increased calls by prominent European politicians for Germany and/or the EU to acquire nuclear weapons, or for more US nuclear weapons to be stationed in Europe, particularly in Poland. Yet, to actually do so would be dangerous, irresponsible and illegal; it would undermine the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), perhaps fatally if a country like Germany were to leave it and go nuclear; and vastly increase the risk of nuclear conflict - which is already at its highest since the Cold War.
Russia, the United States, and the host states all claim that the reason for having these weapons stationed abroad is one of deterrence. But the deterrence doctrine is an unproven theory, based on flawed assumptions about human behaviour that, the history of the Cold War shows , makes nuclear conflict more, rather than less likely. Deterrence doctrine is also inadequate for evolving security challenges such as terrorism, emerging and disruptive technologies, cyber, hybrid, and “grey zone” warfare.
Is nuclear sharing legal?
While nuclear-armed states and their allies claim that existing nuclear sharing practices are permissible under the provisions of the NPT, these arrangements undermine the object and purpose of the treaty- to which all these states are party. The NPT was created to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and explicitly prohibits the transfer of control, or accepting control, over the nuclear weapons of a nuclear weapons state, under articles 1 and 2. In spite of this, the US has maintained that the practice of deploying weapons to another country and preparing to transfer control is not explicitly forbidden under the agreement.
However, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is explicit in prohibiting countries from hosting any nuclear weapons. As the TPNW went into legal effect in 2021, nuclear sharing is now illegal under international law. The TPNW now forms the basis for a strong norm against hosting or stationing, and all responsible states should join this treaty.
If more states were to engage in nuclear sharing, it raises many worrying questions around the legal limits that undermine the global disarmament architecture and international security: Can all nuclear-armed states lawfully deploy their nuclear weapons on the territories of other states? Can all 185 non-nuclear-weapon states, as defined by the NPT, accept the deployment of such weapons on their territories? Can any country train military personnel to accept control of the weapons?
Related questions:
What is nuclear sharing and who is involved?
What are the risks of nuclear sharing? -
Will the US and UK resume nuclear sharing at Lakenheath air base?
As the Federation of American Scientists and UK activists have warned for several months, new budget documents confirm that facilities at a UK airbase, Lakenheath, are being upgraded to store U.S. nuclear weapons. Although the United States has not stored its nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom since they were withdrawn in 2007, Lakenheath would be one of several air bases in Europe where the US stores its nuclear weapons. As Lakenheath is a US air base, it suggests UK pilots would not be responsible for using these weapons in the event of nuclear conflict.
A 2023 YouGov opinion poll found that the majority of UK citizens oppose U.S. nuclear weapons being hosted on their soil. The UK government should answer to its citizens and to Members of Parliament about this development.
Currently, it is estimated the United States stations 100 nuclear weapons in five countries: Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Türkiye. The B61-12 bombs are replacing existing nuclear weapons stationed in these countries.
The United Kingdom also possesses 225 of its own nuclear weapons, and in 2021 increased the cap on its arsenal to 260 - a 40% increase from the previously planned decrease to 180 warheads. These are all submarine launched missiles. This increase is being opposed by UK campaigners, who have historically been very active - and ultimately successful - in demanding the removal of US nuclear weapons on their soil.
What is the nuclear test ban treaty and why has Russia revoked its ratification?
The Russian parliament has voted to revoke the country's ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Here is what we know:
The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, adopted in 1996, is the first international treaty adopted to ban all nuclear tests. It has 187 states which have signed, and 178 which have ratified, but has not entered into force yet because of the failure of eight states, upon whose ratification the entry into force of the treaty depends: China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and the United States. Having revoked its ratification, Russia has returned to signatory status.
On 6 October, President Putin stated the rationale for this decision when he said that in regards to the CTBT he sees it fit to “mirror the manner of the United States,” which has signed but not ratified the treaty, and revoke Russia’s ratification. He added that “this is a question for the State Duma [lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia] deputies. In theory, this ratification could be revoked.”
On 9 October, the Duma’s Committee on International Affairs was instructed to contact the Russian Foreign Ministry to look into the issue of withdrawing the ratification of the CTBT. According to the State Duma’s press service, the conclusions must be presented by 18 October, 2023. On 10 October, Russian media reported that the Foreign Ministry was drafting a bill for Russia to revoke Article 1 of the 2000 law through which Russia ratified the CTBT, while retaining Russia’s cooperation with the International Monitoring System and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization which verifies compliance with the accord. The draft bill was first introduced to the Duma on 17 October, passing a unanimous vote on its first reading, by 412 to zero with no abstentions. This was followed by two unanimous votes on the second and third readings of the bill on 18 October and the upper house will now formally approve it to make it law.
Russia weakening its commitment to the CTBT is senseless and irresponsible behaviour, and is part of a pattern of Russia using nuclear weapons to intimidate opponents of its invasion of Ukraine. International treaties, including the CTBT and the TPNW, are critical to making sure nuclear testing that has harmed people’s health and spread lasting radioactive contamination is not resumed.
Russia’s action undermines the global norm against nuclear testing, which all states – except for North Korea – have upheld for a quarter of a century. The erosion of this norm is in no state’s interests.
Russia has a responsibility to re-ratify the treaty, and those outliers that have not yet signed or ratified the CTBT or TPNW need to get on board.
What is the New START Agreement and why has Russia suspended its implementation?
In February 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the suspension of Russia's implementation of New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty). This bilateral treaty between the US and Russia limits both countries to 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads on 700 deployed nuclear missiles and bombers.
Russia already stopped allowing inspections of nuclear weapons sites and participation in a bilateral consultative commission. In his speech announcing the decision, Putin declared that the treaty could not be kept separate from the war in Ukraine and “other hostile actions of the west against our country”. However, Russia’s foreign ministry has declared that it will continue to observe limits on the number of nuclear warheads it can deploy under the New START and maintain crucial communication of ICBM missile tests.
This suspension is dangerous and reckless - Russia must immediately return to full compliance with the agreement and continue to adhere to its nuclear weapon limits while pursuing disarmament. It also demonstrates why bilateral agreements will not be enough to guarantee disarmament and reduce nuclear risk. The world needs the nuclear-armed states to take real steps towards joining the global, comprehensive multilateral agreement to eliminate nuclear weapons: the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
What are gravity bombs and why is the US building the new B61-13 nuclear weapon?
Gravity bombs are bombs that are dropped from a nuclear-capable aircraft. They are currently being re-designed with new guidance systems, even so, they are still massively destructive bombs that can not be used without indiscriminately killing civilians and destroying critical infrastructure – which is against international humanitarian law and would almost certainly be a war crime. A single B61-13 bomb would be up to 24 times as powerful as the one dropped on Hiroshima.
In October 2023, the US Department of Defense announced the development of a new nuclear bomb, pending Congressional authorisation and appropriation. The B61-13 would be a new gravity bomb, of a much higher potential yield than the B61-12, which is currently replacing other versions deployed in Europe. It is expected that 50 bombs are likely to be produced in 2025, according to the Federation of Atomic Scientists.
The decision to build the B61-13 increases proliferation risks. It is even controversial within certain forces in the US, according to the Federation of Atomic Scientists, as it is seen as a political, rather than military decision that “would cost a lot of money that could be better used elsewhere.”
The cost of developing these modified missiles would come on top of the already vast sums the US spends on its nuclear arsenal each year, public money that could be spent on health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services that benefit the public.
What about attacks on nuclear facilities?
There are a number of things to consider- if the attack is on the nuclear reactor or if it is on the spent fuel pool next to it. The size of the nuclear power plant, and how old it is are also factors.
How is the ban treaty verifiable?
“Trust, but verify” is a mantra and a meme within the nuclear disarmament and non proliferation community. Verification is a point of contention in the debate between those who support nuclear weapons and those who seek their total elimination. Some experts have argued that the debate about verification as a purely technical and politically impartial process in an effort to undermine the feasibility of nuclear disarmament itself, instead of an honest scientific and technical challenge.
Efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons since their invention have necessitated the development and evolution of mechanisms to prevent the transfer of nuclear materials into weapons programmes, and when it comes to ensuring the destruction of nuclear weapons so they can never be used again.
Two global nuclear weapons treaties, the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), share the same fundamental nonproliferation verification mechanisms, safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency. While the TPNW is the only global nuclear disarmament treaty that includes a framework to verify the physical elimination of nuclear weapons and the dismantlement of nuclear weapon programmes, in article IV of that treaty.
Verifying non proliferation
Both the NPT and the TPNW require the negotiation of Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency “with a view to preventing diversion of nuclear energy from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.” (NPT, Article III, 1). The TPNW however, builds on the NPT agreement by mandating that states who do not have nuclear arsenals must “maintain its International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards obligations in force [for them] at the time of entry into force of this Treaty” (TPNW, Article III, 1). The difference between the NPT and the TPNW is that the NPT seeks only to verify non proliferation, whereas the TPNW includes both a reinforcement of the non proliferation verification regime and also is for the disarmament of nuclear arsenals.
Verifying disarmament
The TPNW was negotiated to allow for nuclear-armed states to either fully dismantle their arsenals and then join the treaty or to join the treaty and disarm within ten years. There are nine nuclear arsenals in the world, and they are not the same, and this process fosters the ability to verify the destruction of each nuclear weapon and the systems in place to develop and maintain them, based on its own individual design. The TPNW recognises that ‘one size does not fit all’ when it comes to nuclear disarmament verification, and has built in flexibility to address this issue.
For states that choose to destroy their nuclear arsenals before joining the TPNW, article 4 of the treaty requires that “Such a State Party shall conclude a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency sufficient to provide credible assurance of the non-diversion of declared nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities and of the absence of undeclared nuclear material or activities in that State Party as a whole.”
For those that choose to join the treaty before eliminating their arsenals, they must “immediately remove them from operational status, and destroy them as soon as possible but not later than a deadline to be determined by the first meeting of States Parties, in accordance with a legally binding, time-bound plan for the verified and irreversible elimination of that State Party’s nuclear-weapon programme, including the elimination or irreversible conversion of all nuclear-weapons-related facilities.” The first meeting of States Parties established a ten-year deadline for the destruction of arsenals and related infrastructure.
A publication by UNIDIR (2022) “Verifying Disarmament in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”released in the year after the TPNW entered into force explores in detail the ways and means by which the treaty supports the verified elimination of nuclear arsenals and their related infrastructure. The publication argues that the decision to join the TPNW made by a nuclear-armed state would require an internal political transformation, and be visible to the international community, and the disarming state would seek active cooperation with the international community. Precedent shows that this active cooperation then leads to coordinated removal of fissile materials, “on-site inspections, the elimination of missiles and aircraft, the shutdown of fissile material production facilities, and ambitious declassification efforts.”.
Other treaties
Before the TPNW, only the bilateral SALT and START agreements between the Russian Federation and the US contained verification procedures to ensure the dismantlement of nuclear weapons. The new START treaty is currently in effect (until 4 February 2026) and verification mechanisms in the treaty include a database of treaty-required information, transparency measures, a commitment not to interfere with national technical means of verification, the exchange of telemetric information, the conduct of on-site inspection activities, and the operation of a Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC).
Ongoing efforts to strengthen international verification of nuclear disarmament
In 2019, the UN General Assembly established a Group of Governmental Experts to consider the role of verification in advancing nuclear disarmament, which met several times and delivered a final report to the UN General Assembly in 2023. The report concluded, inter alia, that any nuclear disarmament verification “regime will always be dependent on a specific treaty, agreement or arrangement, with all its parties having an equal right to participate in the process of verification in accordance with the provisions of such a treaty, agreement or arrangement.” and that work on nuclear disarmament verification “is not an end in itself and is not a prerequisite to progress on nuclear disarmament.”
In the UN General Assembly First Committee in 2024, the “Group of Scientific and Technical Experts on Nuclear Disarmament Verification” resolution was adopted which will develop another report by the UN Secretary General to be submitted to the 2025 UNGA, “containing possible options for the establishment of a Group of Scientific and Technical Experts on Nuclear Disarmament Verification within the United Nations”.
For over a decade, the US government and the Nuclear Threat Initiative have facilitated an International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV). The group includes 30 partner countries and the European Union, and holds regular meetings and events to identify and develop solutions to the technical and procedural challenges associated with effectively verifying nuclear disarmament.
These broad efforts demonstrate a willingness to engage on nuclear disarmament verification and to find working solutions so that when the political choice to dismantle an arsenal is made, there is sufficient technical capacity to do so verifiably.
How can you be sure zero means zero?
A number of countries have had nuclear weapons programmes in the past, and South Africa had a nuclear arsenal. The nuclear weapons programmes of South Africa, Iraq and Libya are three examples in which the international community is confident that no nuclear weapons capabilities remain. Yet, each of these verification efforts took place in differing circumstances and required different tools and approaches. Robert E. Kelley, a participant in all three denuclearization efforts, goes into detail about this in a piece for SIPRI.
In all three of the cases, the International Atomic Energy Agency successfully verified that no nuclear materials remained for weapons purposes and returned the countries to ordinary IAEA safeguards, as mandated for states without nuclear weapons under the NPT, and for all states under the TPNW.
The safeguards regime under the IAEA, especially when combined with the Additional Protocol (which allows for deeper on-site investigation) is the globally agreed mechanism to prevent nuclear weapons programmes. It has some limits (for example, it does not include a mandate to consider nuclear weapon proliferation in the context of missiles designed to carry them or the overlap with other WMD activities such as chemical weapons).
It is notoriously difficult to develop a clandestine nuclear arsenal - and with the continued advancement of open source technologies (including satellite imagery) - it is becoming increasingly more difficult.
People have signed chemical weapons treaty but chemical weapons get used- why would it be different with nuclear weapons?
Chemical weapons and nuclear weapons are both weapons of mass destruction, but they are not the same.
The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) prohibits chemical weapons, but there are some dual-use chemicals (like rubbing alcohol) which are banned as chemical weapons but can be used for peaceful purposes under the CWC. Most countries have infrastructure that involves chemicals, and the verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention involves dedicated personnel to make sure that activities involving Scheduled chemicals and unscheduled discrete organic chemicals at facilities and plant sites declared by States Parties are for purposes not prohibited under the CWC.
Nuclear weapons are prohibited under the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, but that does not limit the right of States to access and use nuclear technology. However, decades of experience through the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty have demonstrated how difficult is is to build a secret nuclear programme - the development of nuclear explosive devices and nuclear weapons is significantly more challenging and requires complex technological know how that cannot be easily hidden from existing nonproliferation verification mechanisms, nor open source imaging.
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