Artists Against the Bomb- Judd Foundation November 28, 2023 at 6:00pm - December 06, 2023 Eastern Time (US & Canada) Judd Foundation 101 Spring St New York, NY 10012 United States

An exhibition in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) organized by Estudio Pedro Reyes and ICAN. 

ARTISTS AGAINST THE BOMB is a collection of urgent messages calling for universal nuclear disarmament. This series of posters designed by international artists can be printed locally and exhibited anywhere in the world.

Nuclear weapons have always been immoral; they are now illegal.

We know the countries that have yet to sign the nuclear ban treaty — the ones with the power to kill us all — will not be the first to join. In nations hijacked by their military-industrial complexes, we can’t expect change to come from the top. Unless we exert public pressure worldwide, we are likely to experience nuclear war in our lifetime.

The good news is we have done this in the past. Art and activism have pressured governments to dramatically reduce nuclear arsenals. An example of this was the 1 million protestors that gathered in Central Park in 1982, at the peak of the anti-nuclear movement. In 2020 there were approximately 13,400 nuclear weapons worldwide, compared with 63,632 in 1985, the high point for the global nuclear weapon stockpile.

ARTISTS AGAINST THE BOMB invites artists from all over the world to participate, and each participating artist then nominates two other artists to take part in hopes of sparking a chain reaction.

Featuring:  Abel Quezada | Alejandro García Contreras | Alejandro Siordia | Alex Ito | Althea Thauberger | Antonió Gritón | Anupam Roy | Arai Takashi | Arata Isozaki | Arseny Zhilyaev | Art & Language | Barbara Donachey | Baris Gokturk | Bruce Pearson | Cara Despain | Carla Fernández | Carolina Caycedo | Cayetano Ferrer | CFTM - Center for Tactical Magic | Christian Jankowski | Cian Dayrit | Claudia Pond-Eyley | CND archive | Coumba Samba | Cristian Franco | Cynthia Gutiérrez | Cyprien Gaillard | David Alfaro Siqueiros | Débora Delmar | Diego Rivera  | | Domon Ken  | Emilia García | Emma McCormick-Goodhart | Enrique Jezik | Fanny Rabel  | fierce pussy | Gabriella Hirst | Gaku Tsutaja | George Orwell | Guerrilla Girls | Hanna Stiegler | Harrell Fletcher | Honi Ryan & Abi Tariq | Institute for Post Naturales Studies | Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle | Irina Nakhova | Isamu Noguchi | Israel Urmeer | Joanna Pousette-Dart | Joaquín Segura | Jon Kessler | Jorge Chamorro | José Dávila | José Eduardo Barajas | José Luis Landet | Juan O’Gorman | Julian Charriere | Julius Pristauz | Kaitlin Bryson | Karl Holmqvist | Kato Tsubasa & Hirano Yukari | Keith Haring  | Kendell Geers | Labani Jangi | Lance Wyman | Laura Ortman | Lee Ann Roripaugh | Lillyanne Pham | Lucy Raven | Luis Campos | Lukas Panek | Magdalena Abakanowicz | Maggie Petroni | Maja Bajevic | Manolis D. Lemos | Mariana Yampolsky | Martha Daghlian | Matt Mullican | Martyl Langsdorf | Mika Tajima | Monica Bonvicini | Mónica De la Torre & Alex Balgiu | Nadya Tolokonnikova / Pussy Riot | Nani Chacón | Nigel Brown | Packard Jennings | Paul Miller / Dj Spooky | Peace Pilgrim | Pedro Reyes | Perce Jerrom | Peter Kennard | Rafael Barajas ‘El Fisgón’ | Regina José Galindo | Renata Petersen | Rene Avilés Fabila | Renée Green | Robert Del Tredici | Rosa Barba | Ruth Patir | Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt | Ryan Gander | Sachiko Kazama | Sam Durant | Sambaran Das | Santiago Sierra | Sean Dower | Sean Mackaoui | Superflex | The Bread and Puppet Theater | Theo Deutinger | Thomas Hirschhron | Tim Biskup | Tomás Saraceno | Tomi Ungerer | Yasuhiro Suzuki | Yoshito Matsushige  | Yoshua Okón | Yukinori Yanagi | Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom +more