Demonstration at L3 Harris January 22, 2021 at 12:00pm - 1pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) L3 Harris 50 Prince St Northampton, MA, MA 01060 United States Contact person: NuclearBan.US & The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice

L3 Harris is a subcontractor of Northrop Grumman’s $85 billion contract to build a new intercontinental ballistic missile system for the US. In addition to delivering information to staff, there will be a press conference, and we have also invited local, state, and federal government leaders and speakers from many organizations to share their views about the humanitarian costs of nuclear weapons, including diversion of much-needed funding. 


Wear white coveralls if you have them. We will provide Treaty booklets and handouts for L3 Harris staff. We will bring signs, banners, etc. Feel free to bring your own signs too, and your organization's banner. Covid safety measures required. Lots of resources, materials, videos, etc. at NuclearBan.US/onsite