Bringing Roses & Gifts to the NYC Missions of Nations Ratifying the TPNW January 21, 2021 at 12:00pm - 6pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) United Nations New York, NY 10017 United States Contact person: Peace Action New York State and Manhattan Project for a Nuclear Free World

Our mission is to deliver roses and gifts to the missions of the countries who have ratified the TPNW on or around the day the treaty goes into force. We will try to make the deliveries on Thursday, January 21st, the day before Nuclear Ban Day, January 22nd, but are staying flexible that week, depending on feedback from the missions. This will be a SAFETY FIRST in person event. We are expecting to deliver the roses and gifts OUTSIDE the missions in physically distanced teams. Facial masks are REQUIRED.


If you would like your NYC area organization to be included on the thank you card, please complete this endorsement form by Wednesday, January 13th, 2021.