Lorem Ipsum Special

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum luctus finibus. Nam laoreet mattis dictum. Etiam finibus lacinia tellus, consequat porta mauris dignissim quis. Aliquam ut neque nec nunc tempor mollis sit amet eget lectus. Nulla lacinia metus eu turpis tincidunt ornare.


The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons.

"You take to the United Nations. You advocate for and negotiate the first internationally legally binding treaty banning nuclear weapons."

You accept the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for your work with ICAN "to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for... ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons."


You're hungry.

“After the atomic bomb attack, my mother single-handedly raised me and my four siblings while teaching full-time at a local high school. We waited everyday for her to return from work and went ‘shopping’ – that is, visiting dilapidated farms and asking for a share of their crop in exchange for my mother’s cherished kimonos. We walked around half-starved for hours and hours, getting turned away from this farmer and that.”

Location: Nagasaki
Distance from hypocenter: 3.3km

Learn more from Michiko Yagi

Mysterious ailments take the life of your family members you thought would survive. You wonder if you are next, are your children? Decades later, you lose your children to radiation diseases. Cancer runs in the family, like a hereditary trait.


The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons.

"You take to the United Nations. You advocate for and negotiate the first internationally legally binding treaty banning nuclear weapons."

You accept the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for your work with ICAN "to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for... ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons."


Many Hibakusa have dedicated their lives to banning and eliminating nuclear weapons. Stand with them. Take the Pledge.