Online civil society celebration, title: Entry into force of the TPNW: a new milestone towards a nuclear weapon-free world! January 22, 2021 at 12:00pm - 5pm Amsterdam | virtual | | entry-force | Merwedeplein 11 Amsterdam 1078 NA Netherlands Contact person: Hans van Iterson Virtual event | link:
NVMP Physicians for Peace/IPPNW Netherlands has initiated this celebration, together with its allies: Dutch Council of Churches, Red Cross, Mayors for Peace, Pugwash, PAX, IALANA, Dutch Humanists and Greenpeace, all united in the so called Balieberaad. They all will invite members of their organizations to join.
Speakers will be:
- Peter Buijs, chair NVMP and Balieberaad: introduction
- Tom Sauer about the recent Belgian Coalition Agreement, being positive about TPNW
- Susi Snyder (PAX/ICAN) about the challenges ahead (depending on her ’Volkel-activities’ earlier that day. If she can’t make it, the alternative will be:
- Phon van den Biesen, vice-chair IALANA, about why the TPNW is NOT undermining, but enforcing the NPT.
Second half will be open for Q&A and for making a to-do-list about what can/must be done the coming months, including involving the Dutch government to play a positive role, giving its Coalition Agreement (2017), stating: “This government actively pursues a nuclear-weapon-free world”.
Finally we will raise glasses on this historic bottom-up milestone: EIF of the TPNW!
Meanwhile all Balieberaad-partners will use a common #hashtag to reach out to as many followers of their organisations as possible.